Strap in, this may get a little uncomfortable...

"Selling, is no longer a numbers game. It is about Interaction, engagement and empathy"

If you want to know who said that first, it was me... I had my epiphany moment about 15 years ago after I had already been selling (successfully) for about 10 years. 

Sure, I had been formerly Sales trained, and taught the art of selling like everyone else...but something always seemed to feel wrong to me. I was never comfortable with the whole "Sales Game". I'd knocked on doors until I was escorted from the premises, I'd "banged the phones" all day in a thankless and soul destroying attempt to get any kind of deal, but eventually I began to dislike myself so much that I decided to ignore everything that I had been told, and do my own thing. 

Now, after nearly a quarter of a century working in nearly all forms of Selling, I hope to help you avoid the mistakes that I made and to experience the upside of forgetting most of the stereotypical sales-related nonsense. Because, I swear to you... it will not only super charge your sales career, but it will almost certainly change your own personal outlook on life too.



"There is a fundamental flaw in the way we are taught to sell today"

Without exception, new sellers are typically thrown into the deep end and told that the secret to gaining experience, is to simply launch themselves into the fray, and to forge their resilient constitution upon the anvil of Rejection

The thinking behind this is a combination of wanting to get sales people selling as quickly as possible, and to see if the seller has what it takes to be in sales?

But this approach was developed when sales people were still knocking on doors...And it has not changed very much in the last 40 years. 

Can you name any other business or industry whose current core values and working practices have remained firmly grounded so far in the past?


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What sets me apart...

Quite simply, I spent my entire sales career kicking against a system that is intrinsically counter-productive. Let me show you why.

People are more informed

Thankfully, it is much harder to pull the wool over someones eyes these days. The internet has created a much more informed audience and your knowledge, information and even your background can (and will) be easily verified. The ability of the seller to mislead or  embellish has been curtailed dramatically.

We communicate differently

Very few sales people still knock on doors unannounced like I did when I first started out. And even more recently, the face to face meeting has become screen to screen or camera to camera. This means that how we prospect and how we sell should also have changed. But it hasn't really caught up yet.

Prospects want information

The days where the sales person was the driving force behind any interaction has changed. The role of the seller has moved from manipulator and convincer, to one of an educator and enabler. Customers, don't want to be sold to, they want to be informed so that they can make their own decisions.


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